
A limited number of scholarships will be awarded to students.

If the candidate is approved and awarded a scholarship it will cover:

  • One round ticket from the country's capital of residence to São Paulo (Brazil) and return (or two single tickets depending on the prices)
  • 18 months of scholarship
  • Allowance for internship

Applications for a scholarship can be indicated in the application form. A support letter from a trade union organisation is an application requirement. Please also note that the scholarship is a matching grant. It will only be awarded, if a trade union, another institution or the student him/herself is co-sponsoring the programme with 1500 EUR. The potential co-sponsor has to be indicated on the application form and his/her contribution has to be used to buy the ticket and the difference should be handed to the coordination team in Brazil.

In the case students receiving scholarships decide to abandon the GLU Brazil programme for any reason, they must refund the total amount of money received from the programme until that date to the GLU Brazil Programme. Furthermore, the contribution 1500 EUR will not be refunded.

The ILO department for South-South cooperation is sponsoring two scholarships dedicated to further strengthening South-South cooperation. Applicants are requested to submit an outline for a research proposal focussing in particular on experiences, challenges and opportunities of South-South cooperation between trade unions and other workers’ organisations.  Within the programme they will have the opportunity to look at the role of developing countries in global supply chain, the role of labour standards in South-South relations, best practice in information exchange, policy coordination and solidarity among developing countries.