GLU Network Publications

Selected Publications out of the GLU Network

Papers & Books

Occupational Safety and Health Challenges in Southern Agriculture (2019)

by Christoph Scherrer & Katja Radon (Eds.)

Informality and Labour Regulations in Ghana (2019)

by Kwabena Nyarko Otoo

Trade unions in Transformation:
Success stories from all over the world (2018)

by Mirko Herberg (ed.)

The Implementation of International and European Occupational Safety and Health Standards into the National Legislation of Ukraine (2018)

by Kateryna Yarmolyuk-Kröck

Transnational migration and international labor solidarity (2018)

by Jenny Jungehülsing

Decent Work Deficits in Southern Agriculture: Measurements, Drivers and Strategies (2018)

by Christoph Scherrer, Santosh Verma (Eds.)

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Trade Unions in Transformation. The CUT’s Experience During the Workers’ Party’s (PT) Governments in Brazil (2003–2016) (October 2017)

by José Dari Krein & Hugo Dias

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Saving The Euro: Redesigning Euro Area Economic Governance (June 2017)

by Hansjörg Herr / Jan Priewe / Andrew Watt

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Public Banks in the Age of Financialization. A Comparative Perspective (2017)

Edited by Christoph Scherrer

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Enforcement Instruments for Social Human Rights along Supply Chains (2017)

Edited by Christoph Scherrer

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Where have all the classes gone? A critical perspective on struggles and collective action (2017)

by Oksana Balashova, Ismail Doga Karatepe, Aishah Namukasa (Eds.)

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The Right to Strike Struck Down? An Analysis of Recent Trends (October 2016)

by Edlira Xhafa

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Globalisierung analysieren, kritisieren und verändern (2016)

by Ulrich Brand / Helen Schwenken / Joscha Wullweber (Hrsg.)

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Visibility and Voice for Union Women: Country case studies from Global Labour University researchers (2014)

by Akua O.Britwum and Sue Ledwith (Eds.)

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Re-Framing Trade - Union Mobilisation against the General Agreement on Trade in Service (GATS) (2013)

by Donna McGuire

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The Pursuit of Alternatives - Stories of Peoples’ Economic and Political Struggles around the World (2012)

Edited by Melisa R. Serrano and Edlira Xhafa

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Confronting finance: Mobilizing the 99 per cent for economic and social progress (June 2012)

by Nicolas Pons-Vignon and Phumzile Ncube (Eds.)

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Mark Anner, Nicolas Pons-Vignon & Uma Rani

For a Future of Work with Dignity: A Critique of the World Bank Development Report, The Changing Nature of Work

in: Global Labour Journal, Vol. 10. Iss. 1, 2019


Mark Anner

Binding Power: The Sourcing Squeeze, Workers’ Rights, and Building Safety in Bangladesh Since Rana Plaza

Research report, Center for Global Workers’s Rights (CGWR), Penn State University, March 22, 2018


Donna McGuire

Analysing Union Power, Opportunity and Strategic Capability: Global and Local Union Struggles Against the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)

in: Global Labour Journal: Vol. 5,  Iss. 1, 2014, p. 45-67


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