Local Partnership Programme

The Local Partnership Programme of the GLU Online Academy is intended to complement the online learning experience of participants. Under this Programme, the GLU cooperates with partners from the global trade union movement, labour-related organisations and universities around the world.

Under the partnership programme:

  • The local partners are provided with advanced information about the online courses.
  • The local partners actively assist the GLU in the enrolment process by advertising the MOOC to the potential participants.
  • The GLU Online Academy provides the local partners with guidance in organising local workshops, which target local trade unionists, academics, labour activists and other MOOC participants. These workshops, known also as “blended” workshops, combine online components (e.g. videos from the online courses) with input from local experts. Upon request, experts from the GLU network can provide inputs to such workshops.
  • The GLU Online Academy provides the local partner with scholarship vouchers for eligible participants recommended by the local partners.

To organise a local activity is easy. Here are some ideas:

1. Create a local group of trade unionists, activists and/or people interested in the topic.

2. Organize a face-to-face meeting or workshop to discuss issues, such as:

  • Key concepts of the course
  • One main issue that is particularly important for the local context, such as sectors incorporated in global supply chains
  • The relevance of new international instruments for the local context
  • Any other related topic

3. Invite local experts who could help discuss in more details the concepts or a particular topic

4. Invite trade unionists who have been involved in organizing working in global supply chains

If you work for a trade union, labour-related organisation or a University and are interested to join the Partnership Programme, please send an email to  online@global-labour-university.org

Some of the local blended workshops include:

Local MOOC Workshop on “Global Supply Chains in Albania”, January 2020, Tirana. 

This workshop was organised in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) in Albania. The workshop targeted labour activists who are involved in organising in workers in sectors integrated in global supply chains in Albania such as mines, call centers, garment factories and others. 


Local MOOC Workshop on the “Application of International Labour Standards - in particular Conventions No. 100 and No. 111 on Non-Discrimination - on the Island of Rodrigues”, March 2016, Mt Lubin:

This workshop was organized in cooperation with the RGEA Workers Education Institute to discuss about “Application of International Labour Standards - in particular Conventions No. 100 and No. 111 on Non-Discrimination - on the Island of Rodrigues”. You will find short video interviews with workshop participants below. 


Local MOOC Workshop on “Minimum wage and National Tripartite Mechanism in Nepal”, April 2016, Kathmandu: 

This workshop was organized in cooperation with the Centre for Labour and Social Studies-CLASS Nepal to discuss the Minimum Wage and National Tripartite Mechanism in Nepal. You will find short video interviews with workshop participants below. 


Local MOOC Symposium on “Workers’ Rights throughout Supply Chains”, April 2016, Sydney: 

This one-day symposium in Sydney focused on “Workers’ Rights throughout Supply Chains: What has been done, what is being done and what can be done to advance human rights due diligence?”. You will find the video documentation below. 

The power point presentations of this symposium are available on demand. To receive the presentations and for further information, please contact Katherine Moloney at katice_monet@hotmail.com


Local MOOC Workshop on “Global Solidarity - strategies and actions of German Trade Unions”, April 2016, Berlin: 

The local MOOC Workshop in Berlin which was organized in cooperation with IG Metall discussed the strategies and actions of German trade unions in advancing global solidarity for workers’ rights. You will find the video documentation below. 
