GLU Alumni Representatives

On the summer school in Germany 2019, the following persons had been elected (or re-elected) as GLU alumni representatives.


Home Country

Represents Region

Nuhu Dadi Nigeria Africa
Thabisile Joy Dhlamini South Africa Africa
Weixiang Chen China Asia, Australia & Oceania
Tilak Jang Khadka Nepal Asia, Australia & Oceania
David O'Connell UK Europe (incl. Russia, Turkey & Middle East)
Vinicius Sartorato Brazil Latin America
Christopher Schwartz Canada North America & Caribbean

The representatives are elected from one Summer School to the next.
A representative can be re-elected once. After the second term he/she has to be substituted by a new representative. 



Representation of alumni from the region the rep represents (try to have contact to national steering committee and current students)

Solidarity Fund:

  • Decision on emergency cases
  • Solidarity Projects: The reps are responsible for the application process by regularly sending out a call for applications. Applications can be sent to the reps throughout the year.