GLU Video Lectures

Fair Wage Strategies in a Global Economy

Fair Wages: What Role for Collective Bargaining?

What is the Role of the Minimum Wage in Achieving Fair Wages?

Global Supply Chains in times of Covid-19

Why are macho authoritarian leaders so bad at dealing with Covid-19?

Trade preferences working for workers

Global supply chains: the rate to the bottom in tax rates

Covid-19 and Global Supply Chains: Exacerbating the Crisis in a Broken System

Post-Corona Starts Now

Webinar: Recovering and redirecting: Labour's post-Corona priorities, 2.7.2020, Speakers: Stephen Cotton, James Ritchie

Webinar: Financing the recovery: Can governments spend as much as needed?, 26.6.2020, Speakers: Jayati Gosh, Wolfgang Schmidt

Webinar: Income security: Protecting people, saving economies, 19.6.2020, Speakers: Mirai Chatterjee, Patrick Belser

Webinar: Covid 19: Lessons for health care systems, 11.6.2020, Speakers: Rosa Pavanelli, Philip Alston


Using the ILO supervisory mechanisms

In this series of lectures, Beatriz Vacotto introduces you to the functioning of the supervisory mechanisms of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and how trade unions can use them to push for the implementation of International Labour Standards in their countries. Beatriz Vacotto is a legal specialist and Coordinator of the Wages, Working Time, Maritime and Specific Workers Team at the International Labour Standards Department of the ILO. Prior to that she worked as Senior Specialist for International Labour Standards at the Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV) at the ILO. The video lectures below were recorded during her service for ACTRAV. 

If you want to learn more about instruments and mechanisms for promoting Global Workers’ Rights click here to have a look at the GLU’s Online Education programs.

The regular supervisory mechanism


The special supervisory mechanisms: representations and complaints

The special supervisory mechanisms: the Committee on Freedom of Association


The role of trade unions in the ILO supervisory mechanisms

Click here three short lectures on the History and Functioning of the ILO and of the International Labour Conference.

You can also find the full series of video lectures on the setting and supervision of International Labour Standards and the key principles of Freedom of Association in English, French and Spanish on youtube.

English version

French version

Spanish version


Rights for workers' in informal and precarious employment, consumer activism and social clauses in trade agreements

Interview with Jayati Ghosh, Professor of Economics at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, India (GLU Conference, May 2014, Berlin)


Minimum Wages and their impact on competitiveness and precarious employment

Interview with Gustav Horn, Director of the Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK), Germany (GLU Conference, May 2014, Berlin)

Trade Unions in Africa

Sakhela Buhlungu, University of Pretoria, SA, Kassel 24th of March, 2012


Do international labour rights undermine competitiveness?

Christoph Scherrer, International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), University of Kassel, 23rd of May, 2012


Gender still matters in Labour Studies

Helen Schwenken, International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), University of Kassel, 23rd of May, 2012


Click here for the GLU Network Video Playlist GLU Lectures in YouTube