GLU Alumni Research Projects

The Global Labour University undertakes currently the following alumni research projects. Interested persons can download project info here or contact the respective project co-ordinators for further information.

Project Title

Project Co-ordinator

Project Info

Active Projects
Social and Economic Upgrading in Global Value Chains Hansjörg Herr (HWR) and Christoph Scherrer (University of Kassel) Outline
Another Production is Possible: Exploring the Solidarity Economy Gaye Yilmaz Outline
Collective representation and action of workers in the platform economy Melisa R. Serrano and Edlira Xhafa Outline
Closed / Reposing Projects
Trade unions and the transformation of technology Crispen Chinguno
Curbing Precarious Informal Employment: Emerging Modalities of Regulation, Workers’ Protection and Workers’ Representation Melisa Serrano
Housing and labour Christopher Schwartz
James Lazou
Call for Case Studies
Empowering workers’ rights and visibility in mega-sports events: A Manual of labour campaigns to secure workers’ rights Verna Viajar
Ramon Certeza
Wage Policy Hansjörg Herr
Mareen Schubert
Gender and Trade Unions Akua Britwum Summary Report
Worker's Education and it's Role for a Critical Political Consciousness Luciole Sauviat Outline
Work Plan
Consciousness and Alternatives to Capitalism Melisa Serrano / Edlira Xhafa Project Presentation;
Summary of Case Studies on Alternatives;
Full Report
Organizing and Mobilizing Domestic Workers in International Comparison Helena Schwenken Outline