ENGAGE* Programme: South Africa

Union Rights, Policy and Practice: Training for Global Union Activists - Training Programme for Participants from Africa, Asia, South and North America & Europe

Workers in both the formal and informal economies as well as trade unions are faced with rapid economic and social change. As yet, adequate regulatory and protective frameworks have not been found to meet the challenges imposed by the varying forces of globalisation. The current world economic and health crises, exacerbated by the global COVID-19 pandemic, urgently requires the development of alternative policies and rules based on universal human rights, international social justice and democratic self-determination. However, to turn these policies and rules into reality a strong voice representing the interests of workers is needed. 

ENGAGE helps labour activists and trade unionists to acquire additional knowledge and tools enabling them to take an active part in public debate and the process of policy formulation and implementation. The Certificate Course made up of six modules, constitutes the core of the activities of ENGAGE. The cause of the decade-long decline in the wage share and the requirements for a wage-led recovery path will be discussed and analysed during the training. The participants will jointly develop strategies to enforce decent work conditions along cross-national chains of production and to regulate financial markets in a way that promotes fair globalisation and inclusive societies. 

The topics covered in the course include: 

  • Global Governance
  • Global Wage Policy and Finance
  • Labour and Development
  • Society and Development
  • Trade Union Capacity Building
  • Research Project