International Labour Standards: How to Use Them?

The Massive Open Online Course "International Labour Standards: How to Use Them?" is open for free enrolment in English versionFrench versionSpanish version

Watch the course trailer here in English French Spanish


An online course of the Global Labour University in cooperation with the ILO’s International Training Centre ITC-ILO to learn, discuss and connect with a global community of trade unionists, labour rights activists and scholars on International Labour Standards and how to use them to promote and defend workers’ rights worldwide.


You can attend this course and study at your own pace.


Wherever you are, all you need is internet connection and eagerness to learn more.

For Whom?

Trade Unionists, labour activists, labour educators, labour researchers, NGOs, think-tanks, government officials in charge of the sector and everybody else interested in promoting workers’ rights. No prior knowledge on the topic is required.


Once you complete the course, you can obtain an official certificate from the GLU and iversity.

• The Certificate of Participation costs 19 € and it can be purchased any time after the completion of the

• The Certificate of Accomplishment costs 49 € and can be purchased only in certain periods of the year
   when the Academy runs the online exam.

• Participants from non-OECD countries and trade unionists from OECD countries may receive a scholarship
for either of the two certificates.

• To apply for a scholarship, send an email to online(at), specifying your
   organisation and your country.

In this course, you will learn about:

Chapter 1: Introduction to International Labour Standards (ILS)
Chapter 2: Supervision of International Labour Standards (ILS)
Chapter 3: Freedom of Association, Collective Bargaining and the Right to Strike


If you are more interested in this kind of online courses, visit the Global Labour University Online Academy 

Join the GLU Online Education Facebook Group to stay updated on our current and upcoming MOOCs and to network with other course participants