Conference papers

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Session/Title of Paper   Presenter(s)
Thursday 5 October 2017
World Economic System and Livelihood Vulnerabilities (1A) Venue 1
Vulnerabilities and Insecurities – A look out for alternatives for the adda coolies in Hyderabad Abstract Srujana Boddu
Nexus between Climate induced Vulnerability and Migration in India Abstract Minaketan Behera
Unfreedom and Wage gaps for Disabled Persons in India Abstract Pankaj Soni
New Neoliberal Wave - a risk for domestic workers’ new labor rights in Brazil Abstract Juçara Portilho & Alexandre Fraga
Changing World of Work and its Impact on Workers (2A) Venue 2
Worker Cooperatives and Labour Centred Development: An Indian Case Study Abstract Yadu CR
What has changed: a new Farewell to the Working Class? Abstract Victor Filgueiras
Trajectories and Outcomes of Informalisation of Employment in India since the early 1980s   Gurpreet Singh
Employee identity and organising strategies: The case of the Indian IT industry Abstract Ernesto Noronha & Premilla D’Cruz
Trade Unions and Global Supply Chains (3A) Venue 3
Trade Unions Organizing in the Nigerian Telecommunication Industry Abstract Muttaqa Yushau
Building Transnational Solidarity Along the Value Chain: Experiences from a German and South African Union Initiative Abstract Carmen Ludwig & Hendrik Simon
Wage Bargaining, Worker Organising and Capitalist Hegemony in the Cambodian Garment Industry Abstract David Cichon
Economic Nationalism and Trade Union Responses: The End of Transnationalism? Abstract Michael Fichter
Increasing Precarisation, Decreasing Capacities for Collective Action: Reinventing Union Power at the Nodes of Global Production Abstract Edwin Anisha
Strategies against Neoliberalism (4A) Venue 4
Strategic options before trade unions in organised sector of EU Abstract David O'Connell
Negotiating Resource Control and Ethnicity in Central India: Issues of Identity, Nationality and Statehood in Imaginations of the Chhattisgarh Mukti Morcha Abstract Radhika Krishnan
The 4th Industrial Revolution, Changes in the World of Work and Trade Union Strategies Abstract Kristian Weise
Economic Transformation and Neo-Liberalism (1B) Venue 1
What is popular power? The rise of market authoritarianism and its consequences for labour under the recent coup in Brazil Abstract Marcelo Schmidt
The CGIL's interpretation of the Italian economic decline from the introduction of the Euro until the Piano del Lavoro (2002-2013) Abstract Nicolò Giangrande
Radical Restructuring of Neo-liberalism for Inclusive Growth Abstract Indira Hiraway
Macro Economies and Changing Landscape of Work (2B) Venue 2
Catch-up strategies not due to but despite globalization Abstract Bea Ruoff and Hansjörg Herr
The State and Capital in India and Turkey: A Comparative Perspective Abstract Santosh Verma & Ismail Karatepe
Globalization of Production and the World of Work: Is Race to the Bottom Inevitable? Abstract Rizwanul Islam
The Impact of Technology Innovation on Chinese labour Abstract Xiaoya Dai
Policy Frameworks for Global Supply Chains (3B) Venue 3
GVCs, the Distribution of Knowledge and Labour Regime Abstract Dev Nathan
Manufacturing Policy Transformation and Innovation of Labor’s Skill Development in China Abstract Xingguo Li
Analysis of industrial relations & globalization strategy, with a focus on Korea’s Hyundai Motor Abstract Kyungran Kim
The Bangladesh Accord as a “model” for new global framework agreements? Abstract Reingard Zimmer
Labour Movements and Resistance (4B) Venue 4
Rhetoric of Colonialism and Globalisation as defence mechanisms for the normalisation of child labour among fisher folks in a fishing community in Ghana Abstract Shaibu Bukhari
Young workers and trade union movement: resistance in a neoliberal’s context Abstract Natália Cindra & Marco Aurélio Santana
No Title Abstract Elaine Hui
Friday 6 October 2016
Economic Transformation and Neo-Liberalism (1C) Venue 1
Some Macro theoretical Foundations of Jobless Growth Abstract Saratchand
What are the lessons to be learned from the current political and economic crisis in Brazil Abstract Marcelo Manzano & Carlos Salas
The Regulatory Regime in the Global Apparel Production Network as a Challenge for Building Emancipatory Union Practices – Experiences from the TIE ExChains Network Abstract Tatiana Lopez
Changing Technology and the Implications for Employment (2C) Venue 2
Internet + trade union”: new media technology and innovation with Chinese characteristics Abstract Song Hui
External Crowd working – Options of Influence for Worker Participation Abstract Tobias Schröder
The Age of Cybertariat and the Labor Question Abstract Monojyoti Maitra
Understanding Work and Control in Delivery Service of E-Retailing Abstract Padmini Sharma
Linkage between Irrigation, cropping pattern and employment: A Case Study of Gang Canal Region Abstract Navpreet Kaur & Amanpreet Kaur
Labour Conditions in Global Supply Chains (3C) Venue 3
Working conditions and collective agency in the tea supply chain: the role of fair trade certification’ Abstract Karin Astrid Siegmann
Workers in Paddy Value Network: A Case Study of Two Indian States (Punjab and Bihar) Abstract Manish Kumar
Next-door Relocation without Much Improvement: Garment Done-for-Brands Industry in Ukraine Abstract Oksana Dutchak
Racing to the bottom? Precarisation of employment relations in the Indian and South African Auto industries Abstract Lorenza Monaco
Challenges before Labour Movements (4C) Venue 4
Neo-Liberalism and Emerging Labour Relations in ECOWAS Region: Present Trends and Future Challenges Abstract Dauda Yunus
Is blue the new red for workers? – Urgent questions in face of the rise of the German AfD Abstract Kathrin Birner & Stefan Dietl
Flows and counter flows, two periods of Latin American politics. Argentinian and Brazilian cases Abstract Laura Carla Moisa Elicabide & Nicolás Alberto Moreno Reyes
Trade union revitalization and the prospects of an ‘ecosocialist’ working class politics: the case of South Africa Abstract Devan Pillay
Solidarity and Alternatives to Neo Liberalism (1D) Venue 1
Transformative Politics and the Solidarity Economy Abstract Michelle Williams & Vikas Satgar
Authoritarian Neoliberalism and the Conditions of Precarity: Rethinking Strategies for Socio-Economic Development and Labour Union Solidarity Abstract Bonn Juego
Alternative Paths to Neoliberalism: A Comparison of India and Brazil Abstract Rahul Sirohi
Labour Market during Crisis: Questioning the “German Model” Abstract Ravi Tripathi
Women, Work and Employment (2D) Venue 2
Breaking occupational segregations or merely readjusting traditional patterns? An empirical study of urban women workers in India under neo-liberalism Abstract Sona Mitra
Women, Labour and Technology in Coal Mines: A Case Study of the Impact on Local Economy of Korba District (Chhattisgarh) Abstract Sujata Soy
Syrian Women in Working Life: Slavery or Emancipation? Abstract Bilge Pınar Yenigün & Özge Berber-Agtaş
Market Authoritarianism and Care Extractivism Abstract Christa Wichterich
Global Supply Chains and Workers’ Conditions (3D) Venue 3
The Impact of the Sourcing Squeeze on Workers’ Rights in Global Supply Chains: Analyzing the Evidence using the Labour Rights Indicators Abstract Mark Anner
Export Processing Zones, Economic Liberalisation and the Impact on Labour in Sri Lanka Abstract Niyanthini Kadirgamar
Does subcontracting create dynamic entrepreneurs or exploited workers? Remarks from a South African case study Abstract Nicolas Pons-Vignon
Interest of Global Capital and Workers in Gig Economy Abstract Uma Rani and Marianne Furrera
Workers’ Movement in the Changing Economies (4D) Venue 4
The importance of migrant workers in 21st Century: if trade unions don’t take them into account, then Mr. Trump will do it Abstract Luis Campos
Re-building the trade union movement through Power Resources Abstract Edward Webster
Illegalized Migrants and Trade Unions: a Strike in Paris Abstract Neva Loew
No Title Abstract Ana Paula Melli and Clair Siobhan Ruppert