GLU Alumni Workshop "Decent Work", Campinas (Brazil), <br>14-18 Dec. 2009

The regional GLU Alumni Workshop “Decent Work” is organised jointly by the University of Kassel and the Centre for Labour Economics and Trade Unionism (CESIT) at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp).


The GLU Workshop brings together former GLU students from Latinamerica/Caribbean and from Europe, current students of the GLU programme at Unicamp, as well as professors and experts (trade unions, politics, and economy) from inside/outside the GLU network.


The Workshop intends to strengthen the already established GLU Latinamerican/Caribbean Network and to explore possibilities for future research collaboration.

One main thematic focus is the ILO Decent-Work-Initiative, its goals and respective local conditions for realization (e.g. through regional best-practice-strategies).


As regards content, Alumni participants have an active part in the preparation and design of the workshop. Besides presentation, plenary and discussion sessions, an excursion to work places in the region of Sao Paulo, connected to the overall topic, is planned. Representatives from unions, politics and other institutions will also be invited to join the workshop.


Translation English <-> Portuguese will be provided during the workshop.


For alumni participants, funding is available for food, accommodation and travel costs.


For questions regarding the workshop please contact the workshop co-ordinator in Brazil Lygia Sabbag Fares or in Germany Harald Kroeck


Please download here:


Workshop Impressions