Conference papers

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Session/Title of Paper Presenter
Precarious Labour (2A)
The employment challenge at the core of sub-Saharan Africa’s future Bruno Losch
Placating Metolong Dam committees to implement labour broking! Hlalele Hlalele
The Just Transition and the Role of Labour; Our Ecological, Social and Economic Future New Forms of Power /Leverage Brian Murahwa
Hawkers assert their collective power to seek rights in India Pravin Sinha
Trade Union Strategies (4B)
A Review of Trade Union Responses to Climate Change in South East Asia Muttaqa Yusha’u Abdulra’uf
Labour at the Crossroads of Change in Nigeria: Problems and Prospects for Rebirth Babatunde Adebola Aiyelabola
Working relations in contemporary capitalism and outsourcing: the role played by public institutions Magda Barros Biavaschi
Just Transition and Democratic Eco-socialist alternatives (7D)
Development and Challenges of Employment (6B)
Regulation of employment rights in supply chains in the Brazilian and British agricultural sector: something is missing Vitor Filgueiras
Are Employment Development & AgroProcessing Growth Incompatible Goals? Lotta Takala-Greenish
Unemployment, neoliberalism and labour organizing in Ireland in 2015 John Villiers
Value Addition & Decent Work (C1)
Labouring Nuts in Western India: Cashew in Transnational ‘Production Networks’and Decent Work Agenda Varsha Ayyar
GLOBAL CHAIN OF MELON: a study of the value added in the melon produced in the Brazilian region of Açú-Mossoró Walter Belik
Improving value chain through decent work approach: a case of mango production systems in Pakistan Mubashir Mehdi
Selling decent agriculture in indecent working environments: socio-­‐labour certification and coffee production in Colombia Daniel Hawkins
Struggles, States and Society (3B)
Strikes, Struggles & Class Contradictions: Some Explorations in a Neoliberal Context Praveen Jha
Trade Union Revitalization (5C)
The Fight for $15 Campaign and Potential for Labour Renewal in Canada Mostafa Henaway
Political Parties, Alliance & Trade Union Organizations & Political Power Sameer Pandey
Between Hope and Despair: Trade Unions in Organized Sector in West Bengal Subhanil Chowdhury
Shared Values, Competing Strategies : Using Movements for Democratic Rights and Collective Bargaining Rights in Hong Kong Bryce Swerhun
Trade Union Strategies (4A)
The Development Platform of the Americas: labour movements' attempt to reshape the neo developmental debate in Latin America Bruno Dobrusin
The role of labour in the fight against climate change (including a case-study of the International Transport Workers’ Federation Asbjørn Wahl
European Trade Unions in the Shaping of a New Policy Discourse - 'the transition to a low carbon society‘ Fred Steward
Agriculture & Finance (C3)
Income generation of rural community by using solar distillation system and eliminating the role of middleman Munir Anjum
Rural Non-Farm Activities: A Case Of Marginal And Small Farmers In India Meenakshi Rajeev
Global Food Regimes and Corporatization of Food Systems: its Implications in the Developing Countries Santosh Kumar Verma
Struggles, States & Society (3A)
Understanding the Pension Protection and Pension-Driven Strikes in China Elaine Hui
China's Resolving Excess Production Capacity Policy on Labour and the Countermeasures Xingguo Li
Alternative Ways of Organising Public Services and Work in the Public Sector : What Role for Public-Public Partnerships Edlira Xhafa
Socializing Labor Protest: An Approach Towards Building Workers’ Societal Power in China? Hui Xu
Trade Unions & Politics (5A)
Working Class Movement: Quest for Freedom, Social Justice and Democratic governance in Nigeria Martin Egbanubi
Making Unions Revolutionary? The Revival and Relevance of an Anarchist/Syndicalist Approach to Building Class-Struggle Unionism for Radical Change after the Death of the Enabling State Lucien Van Der Walt
It is a question of Power! Trade unions’ political intervention to change the system of governance in Trinidad and Tobago Oswald Warwick
Precarious Work & Precarious Livelihoods (7A)
Women's Rights & Resources Allocation in Rural Livelihoods in Ghana and Pakistan Saira Akhtar
Intervention Effectiveness & Rural Women’s Livelihoods in Ghana & Pakistan Akua O Britwum
Economic Policy & Labour Market (6A)
<link fileadmin glu_conference_2016 papers seeraj mohamed.pdf _blank> New drivers of BRICS economic cooperation: corporate restructuring and value chains Seeraj Seeraj Mohamed
Middle Income Trap and Economic Non-Development Hansjoerg Herr
Forms of Collective Action (2B)
Effectiveness of Trade Unionism in a Globalized World : Evidence from India Anamitra Roychowdhury
The Italian struggle “No scarico a mare” to save the environment and boost the local employment Nicolò Giangrande
Informal Employment and the Syrian Refugees in Supply Chains: The Case of Textile and Garment Sector in Turkey Bilge Pinar Yenigün
Just Transition to Green Jobs (7C)
The Myth of a Green Economy and Green Jobs: What Strategy for Labour? Eddie Cottle
<link fileadmin glu_conference_2016 papers muhsen.pdf _blank> Climate Change and a future Renewable Energy Transition - Means to Achieve a Just Transition for the Labour Movement. Hussein Muhsen
Renewable energy at a municipal level: possibilities for social ownership? Sandra Van Niekerk
A Green Shift for Oil and Gas Workers Andreas Ytterstad & Gunnar Steinsholt
Wages & Policies (C2)
Organization of Production and Working Conditions in the Global Agri-food Systems Thales Augusto M. Penha
A Social Dialogue to Enhance Collective Bargaining in Smallholder Agriculture in Sub Saharan Africa Joseph Matofari
Public Policies and Decent Work in Global Agrifood Systems Joao Matos Filho
The Contested Workplace (1A)
Trade Union Alliances & Resource Struggles (5B)
Class, Community and Resistance in Leo-Liberal India Archana Prasad
The Scramble for Productive Resources in Africa: The Threats and the Way Forward Daniel Oberko
The Contradictions Underpinning the Relation of Nature and Labour : An Empirical Study of the (lack of) relationship between anti-fracking movement and Trade Unions in Australia Madeline Moore
The Soya Limits: rise and failure of an alliance between government and unions on the basis of extraordinary commodity prices (Argentina 2003-2015) Luis Campos
Brown Jobs, Green Jobs (7B)
Green Transition? Just Transition? Lessons from the USA Dimitris Stevis
Mining and the Environment in Zambia James Musonda
Energy Transition & Smart Unions Andreas Ebisch