Conference papers

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Session/Title of Paper Presenter
1. Structural Changes and Impacts on Labour
1.1. New/Digital Economies
The false promises of digitalisation Birgit Mahnkopf
The Devaluation of Work through Digitization Martina Sproll
UBER: deregulation and silent privatization João Gabriel Buonavita
The “New Economy” challenge: Lessons from Germany and France Ravi Tripathi
1.2. Climate Change, agriculture and natural resources
The Role of Trade Unions in protecting Agricultural Employment in Ghana in the Phase of Climate Change Hans Awude
Forest Carbon Supply Chains and the International Division of Labour Archana Prasad
Rural Business, Informalisation and Precarious Outcomes in Plantation Economy Debdulal Saha
Reflexiones sobre el trabajo y la salud laboral en la producción de aceite de palma en Colombia Óscar Gallo, Dan Hawkins
1.3. Global Value chains, MNC and Labour Regimes
The Impact of Global Value Chain Consolidation and Capital Markets on Labor Conditions and Workers' Rights in Less Developed Countries Mark Anner
Smart mobile phones in Brazil: Industrial Policy and Labour Governance Uma Amara Rani
Tecnologia e gestão do trabalho no Walmart Brasil Patrícia Rocha Lemos
1.4. Working conditions, subcontracting and precarization
Development of Electricity Generation and Precarious Labour Naaman Kipumbu
MERCOSUL-European Union Negotiations: Working Class´ perspectives Vinícius Sartorato
Terceirização no setor de limpeza: precarização e desigualdades intra-setoriais Igor Figueiredo
Now or never: the future of organised labour in Zambia’s mining sector James Musonda
2. Trade Union Organization and Strategies
2.1. New strategies and organizing
Worker-led attempt to build trade unions in China Elaine Sio-ieng HUI
Fragmentation in the Central European automotive industry Tamás Gerocs
Juventude trabalhadora e os desafios da representação sindical: breves reflexões sobre os casos dos Comerciários e Telefônicos do Rio de Janeiro Natália Cindra
Are the unions prepared to face the future of work? Kjeld Jakobsen
2.2. Trade Unions and Political Strategies
Teachers Unions, Political Strategy, and Educational Change in Brazil, Mexico, and the U.S. Rebecca Tarlau
The Crisis of National Liberation Nationalism in South Africa: The Response of the National Union of Metal Workers (NUMSA) and the Role of Worker Education Vishwas Satgar, Michelle Williams
A Comparison of South Africa and Brazil – COSATU and the ANC; CUT and the PT Dale Forbes, Marcelo Schmidt
2.3. Trade Unions and Power Resources
Trade Union Revitalization in Kenya: Acquisition and Utilization of Power Resources Jacob Omolo
Trade Unions in Transformation. An Assessment of Numsa’s Attempt to Develop Political and Organizational Independence 2012 - 2018 Miriam Di Paola
Is the game rigged? A critical appraisal of the power resource approach Nicolas Pons-Vignon, Dias, Webster
2.4. Global challenges and international campaigns
The Challenges of Trade Unions in the Digital Economy: a case study of quick delivery service in Korea Kyungran Kim
Migrant workers and the future of trade unions in South Africa: The Case of SADSAWU Janet Munakamwe
How do the nigerian transport union responds to Uber technologies Muttaqa Yushau
Building Hotel Workers´ Power through Transnational Organizing and Campaigning: A Case Study from Brazil and the USA Jana Silverman
3. Labour Regulation
3.1 Labour Law Reforms (I)
Collective Bargaining and Judicial Resolution Mechanism in Brazil Cheng Li
Trade Union Reform: Towards a Better and More Effective Union System with Chinese Characteristics ? A case Study of the 2016 Shanghai Reform of Mass Organizations Qiao Jian
The impact of labour law reform on the practice of trade unionism in contemporary Nigeria Martin Luther
3.2 Labour Law Reforms (II)
Reforma laboral no Brasil e seus possíveis impactos econômicos à luz das precedentes experiências internacionais Marcelo Manzano
The labor reform approved in Brazil: a regressive attack on social rights and the public institutions that operate in the labor world Magda Biavaschi, Marilane Teixeira
A reforma trabalhista do governo Temer e o pensamento neoliberal Guilherme Caldas
La ofensiva del capital contra el trabajo en el plano jurídico: el año de las reformas laborales en Argentina y Brasil Luis Campos
3.3. Regulation, working conditions and working time (I)
“So easy and so difficult: labour regulation on the so-called new forms of work” Vitor Filgueiras
Inequality in working time: An international trend Ana Luíza Matos de Oliveira, Lygia Sabbag
Impact of Labour Regulations on Employment Conditions in Indian Manufacturing Anamitra Roychowdhury
3.4. Regulation, working conditions and working time (II)
Paid Domestic Workers in Brazil – an analysis of the political and cultural conjunctures of labor rights Thays Almeida, Marlene Seiffarth
Formalization of Domestic work in Kenya: A focus on Protection of Human Rights Monicah Gachuki
Labour analogous to slavery: combat strategies and socioeconomic development in Brazil Marileide Silva, Carolina Prates
Labour rights and universal basic income: challenges to social protection for maternity and early childhood in Brazil Nathalie Reis Itaboraí
4. Development
4.1. International Division of Labour and unequal exchanges
The core-periphery dichotomy revisited: the Chinese trade specialization pattern with Latin American and African economies Roberto Borghi
Unequal exchanges, labor mobility from Eastern Europe and the radicalization of demographic nationalisms in Eastern Europe Melegh Attila
Hierarquia monetária e divisão internacional do trabalho Bruno de Conti
4.2. Labour Markets
Impactos da recessão no mercado de trabalho da região Nordeste do Brasil Paulo Baltar, Eugênia Leone
The Influences of Segregation and the Neoliberalism in the New Post-Apartheid Labor Market Naomi Generoso Faustino
The Tripartite Labour Supply Model as Diversifier the Cognitive Rationale of Dichotomies in Theories of Economy Ezgi Bagdadioglu, Cheng Li
Labor Market Challenges for Late Industrializing Countries Christoph Scherrer
4.3. Informality, Wages and gender gap
The effects of the Brazilian recession on wage inequality between men and women Carolina Baltar
Upheavals in infringing the formal-informal divide: Engaging gender in the Labour politics of Kerala,India Sonia George
Ecommerce agenda, future of labor and the gender gap Sofia Scasserra
The politics of transforming the apartheid wage structure in South Africa: the case of the national minimum wage Neil Coleman
4.4. Social structures and migrations
A class that no one dares to call by its name: class conflicts and the “new middle class” in Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff’s Brazil (2003-2016) André Martins
Divisão internacional do trabalho e imigração no Brasil contemporâneo Patricia Villen
Building Livelihoods Opportunities for Syrian Refugees in Turkey Bilge Coban