Conference papers

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Title of Paper Author(s)
Labour Markets
How do the working time regulations influence gender inequalities Alek Ristovski / Todor Kalamatiev
Different Policies, Differents Paths: Colombia and Brazil, 2000-2010 Laura Moisa
Towards new Collective Bargaining, Wage and Social Protection Strategies in South Africa - Learning from the Brazilian Experience Neil Coleman
Right To Be Lazy? On Economic [Im]Possibilities For Our [Grand]Children Paulo Sérgio Fracalanza / Rosana Icassatti Corazza
Do Labour Laws Increase Equality at the Expense of Higher Unemployment? The Experience of Six OECD Countries Prabirjit Sarkar / Simon Deakin / Jonas Malmberg
Minimum wage coverage and compliance in developing countries Uma Rani / Patrick Belser / Martin Oelz / Setareh Ranjbar
Gender regimes and inequalities in labour markets, pay and trade union leaderships – the case of South Africa Sue Ledwith / Janet Munakamwe
Financial Markets
The role of Brazilian public banks facing inequality: some reflections on the case of BNDES, Caixa and the Federal Regional Banks Ana Rosa Ribeiro de Mendonça / Adriana Fereirra / Simone Deos
Inequality and the Financial System – the German Case Daniel Detzer
Finance-dominated capitalism and re-distribution of income – a Kaleckian perspective Eckhard Hein
The impacts of competitive pressures on the stakeholders in the Brazilian Financial System Jo Portilho / Ana Tércia Sanches
Social Policies, Redistribution and Taxation
A long way from tax justice: the Brazilian case Lena Lavinas
Are poverty reduction programs able to decline inequality? Institutional lessons from two programs in Costa Rica Pacheco Jimenez
The Myth of more Social Inclusion hrough Activation Reforms – the Case of Germany Sigrid Betzelt
Intergenerational transmission of income and education in the European Union Wilfried Altzinger
Income inequality and the welfare state - How redistributive is the public sector? Thomas Obst
A foretold catastrophe Lucas Andrietta
Growth, Sustainability and Employment
Sustainability in Brazil and Argentina: the trade unions within the commodity consensus Bruno Dobrusin
Green New Deal, Green Economy and Greeen Jobs: Consequences for environmental and Social Equity Christoph Hermann
Labour-Environmental Relations and the Sustainable Economy: The Case of Keystone Pipeline Ely Fair
The Brazilian development model in the context of „green economc“: myths and reality Lauro Mattei
The ‘Green Economy’ in South Africa: A ‘symbolic’ response to a growing socio-ecological crisis Devan Pillay
Maintaining Reciprocity: The Ins and Outs of Unionism Madelaine Moore
Combating Social Inequalities in Turkey through Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT)? Christian Bergmann / Mine Tafolar
Can labour standards in private governance help to reduce inequality? Conor Cradden / Jean-Christophe Graz
Overturning the Iron Law of Wages - the minimum wage campaign in Korea Aelim Yun
The Next Generation of Social Movements: From Occupy Wall Street to the June Days of Rio de Janeiro Steven Toff / Natália Cindra
Mass Strikes Against Austerity in Western Europe – A Strategic Assessment Jörg Nowak / Alexander Gallas
Multinational Corporations
Multinational Corporations and Economic Inequality in the Global South: Causes, Consequences, and Countermeasures Mark Anner / Jakir Hossain
Macroeconomic Governance
Economic Growth, Redistribution and Private Sector De-Leveraging: A Macro-economic Policy Trilemma? Dirk Ehnts
Macroeconomic Policy Management in the Palestinian Case (Growth and Inequity) Naser Abdelkarim
The Income Inequality in China’s Emerging Economy and Its Interaction with China’s Growth Pattern Ran Cheng