Working Papers

The research results of the project will be published in the form of GLU working papers, a report and an edited volume. The working papers will be made available on this page.

  • No.41: The role of Brazilian public banks facing inequality: some reflections on the case of Brazilian development bank, Caixa and the federal regional banks, July 2016; by Adriana Nunes Ferreira, Ana Rosa Ribeiro de Mendonça and Simone Deos (PDF)
  • No.39: Labour Market Developments in Germany: Tales of Decency and Stability, February 2016; by Bea Ruoff (PDF)
  • No.37: Financial Inclusion and Disparity: A Case of India, July 2015; by Meenakshi Rajeev (PDF)
  • No.34: The Brazilian Credit Market: Recent Developments and Impact on Inequality, July 2015; by Daniela Magalhães Prates, Adriana Nunes Ferreira and Daniela Gorayeb (PDF)
  • No.33: The Brazilian Rural Development Model in the Context of Green Economy, July 2015; by Lauro Mattei (PDF)
  • No.31: Green New Deal and the Question of Environmental and Social Justice, February 2015; by Christoph Hermann (PDF)
  • No.30: Trade union debates on sustainable development in Brazil and Argentina, February 2015; by Bruno Dobrusin (PDF)
  • No.29: Long-term trends in income distribution - a global perspective, February 2015; by Thomas Obst (PDF)
  • No.27: Progressive tax reform in OECD countries : perspectives and obstacles, May 2014; by Sarah Godar, Christoph Paetz & Achim Truger (PDF)
  • No.26: Social policies and redistribution in Brazil, May 2014; by Bernhard Leubolt (PDF)
  • No.25: Social policies and redistribution in South Africa, May 2014; by Bernhard Leubolt (PDF)
  • No.24: Wage Dispersion: Empirical Developments, Explanations and Reform Options, April 2014; by Hansjörg Herr & Bea Ruoff (PDF)
  • No.23: Inequality and the Financial System - The Case of Germany, April 2014; by Daniel Detzer (PDF)
  • No.22: A long way from tax justice: the Brazilian case, April 2014; by Lena Lavinas (PDF)
  • No.21: Demystifying a 'shining example': German public finances under the debt brake, February 2014; by Kai Eicker-Wolf and Achim Truger (PDF)
  • No.20: The European Civil Society Campaign on the Financial Transaction Tax, February 2014; by Peter Wahl (PDF)
  • No.19: Neoliberal Unshared Growth Regime of Turkey in the Post-2001 Period, November 2013; by Hansjörg Herr and Zeynep M. Sonat (PDF)
  • No.18: Determinants of Functional Income Distribution – Theory and Empirical Evidence, November 2013; by Petra Dünhaupt (PDF)
  • No.17: Towards new Collective Bargaining, Wage and Social Protection Strategies in South Africa - Learning from the Brazilian Experience, November 2013; by Neil Coleman (PDF)