
Project Leaders

Prof Hansjörg Herr, Berlin School of Economics and Law 
(e-mail | website)

Dr Frank Hoffer, International Labour Organization 
(e-mail | website)

Prof Christoph Scherrer, University of Kassel 
(e-mail | website)

Project Coordinatorin

Bea Ruoff, Berlin School of Economics and Law
(e-mail | website)

Thematic Areas

Labour Markets

Prof Hansjörg Herr, Berlin School of Economics and Law
(e-mail | website)

Financial Markets

Prof Trevor Evans, Berlin School of Economics and Law
(e-mail | website)

Redistributive Policies

Prof Hans-Jürgen Burchardt, University of Kassel (e-mail | website)

Dr Karin Fischer, University of Linz (e-mail | website)

Prof Achim Truger, Berlin School of Economics and Law (e-mail | website)

Conceptions of a ‘Socially and Environmentally Sustainable Economy’

Prof Birgit Mahnkopf, Berlin School of Economics and Law 
(e-mail | website)


Prof Christoph Scherrer, University of Kassel 
(e-mail | website)

Implementation Strategies

Prof Michelle Williams, University of the Witwatersrand
(e-mail | website)

Gender Mainstreaming

Dr Akua Britwum, University of Cape Coast
(e-mail | website)

GLU Alumni Report

Dr Edlira Xhafa, University of Jena
(e-mail | website)