GLU Alumni Workshop "Decent Work", Johannesburg, 22 - 27 March 2009

The regional GLU Alumni Workshop “Decent Work” was organised jointly by the University of Kassel and the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS), Johannesburg.


The GLU Workshop brought together former GLU students from the Sub-Saharan Region in Africa and from Europe, as well as professors and experts (trade unions, politics, and economy) from inside/outside the GLU network.


The Workshop was intended to strengthen the already established GLU Sub-Saharan African Network and to explore possibilities for future research collaboration.

One main thematic focus has been the ILO Decent-Work-Initiative, its goals and respective local conditions for realization.


As regards content the Alumni participants had an active part in the preparation of the workshop. Participants also had the opportunity to participate in excursions to work places connected to the overall topic.


Breakfasts, lunches and accommodation was supplied as part of the workshop and funding was available for travel costs.


Please click here for downloading the: Workshop Programme


Workshop venue "Plum Pudding"
Excursion with SACTWU to fashion district in Jo'burg
Farewell Dinner