GLU Alumni Summer School, 14 - 24 September 2009, Berlin

Current Financial and Economic Crisis and Labour Responses


DATE: Sunday, September 13 (arrival) until Thursday, 24 September (departure) 2009



14.-18.Sept.09: IG Metall Training Centre / IG Metall Bildungszentrum Am Pichelssee (Maps: <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 ig_metall_training_center_1.pdf _blank> Broad overview or <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 ig_metall_training_center_2.pdf _blank> Detailed and <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 directions_ig_metall_pichelssee.pdf _blank> Directions)

21.-24.Sept.09: Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR) (Maps: <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 location_hwr_2.pdf _blank> Broad overview or <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 location_hwr_1.pdf _blank> Detailed)



Click here to see where/when you will stay in the 1st week at the <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 acc_pichelssee.pdf _blank>IG Metall Training Center Pichelssee and in the 2nd week in <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 acc_hotels.pdf _blank>Hotels in Berlin


Click here for <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 arrivals.pdf _blank>ARRIVALS or <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 departures.pdf _blank>DEPARTURES of all participants


For searching your public transport connections from/to the airport & within Berlin please click here

(public transport: you need an AB single ticket for 2,10 € for travelling from airport Tegel & within Berlin, and an ABC single ticket for 2,80 € for travelling from airport Schoenefeld; Alumni will get weekly tickets after arrival at IGM Pichelssee)


SUMMER SCHOOL, CONFERENCE 21./22.9., GLU Steering Committee:


Please download (pdf) here the

  • <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 programme_summer_school_2009.pdf _blank>Summer school programme 14.-24.9.09
  • <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 timetable_glu_conference_21.__22.9..pdf _blank>Conference programme 21./22.9.09
  • <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 alumni_summer_school_2009.pdf _blank>List of Alumni participants
  • <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 presentations_alumni_actual.pdf _blank>Timetable of Alumni presentations 14./15.9.09
  • <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 agenda_international_steering_committee_september_2009.pdf _blank>Agenda GLU Int. Steering Committee Meeting 19.9.09




Please download (pdf) here the

  • <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 conference_programme_icdd_20_08_09.pdf _blank>ICDD conference programme 17./18.9.09
  • <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 list_of_all_participants.pdf _blank>List of Participants
  • <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 icdd_17.9._12.30_informal_get_together_in_brasserie.pdf _blank>Map: 17.9. 12.30, Informal get together in Brasserie
  • <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 icdd_17.9._14.00_meeting_at_wissenschaftsforum.pdf _blank>Map: 17.9. 14.00, Meeting at Wissenschaftsforum
  • <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 icdd_17.9._19.30_dinner_at_casalot.pdf _blank>Map: 17.9. 19.30, Dinner at Restaurant Casalot
  • <link fileadmin summer_school_2009 icdd_18.9._9.15_icdd_meeting_at_ig_metall_training_center.pdf _blank>Map: 18.9. 9.15, ICDD meeting at IG Metall training center Am Pichelssee


Outline - Summer School

Former GLU students (alumni) are cordially invited to participate in the third GLU Alumni Summer School, organised jointly by the University of Kassel and the Berlin School of Economics and Law. The GLU summer school will bring together GLU alumni and current GLU students, as well as professors and trade union experts from the GLU network. The summer school is intended to strengthen the network links between GLU alumni and to explore possibilities for future research collaboration. 
The main theme of presentations & discussions will be about the Current Financial and Economic Crisis and Labour Responses. There will also be presentations by alumni on a thematic research topic to be announced.
Presenters will include guest lecturers from the GLU partner universities of Witwatersrand (Wits), South Africa, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil, and the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), India as well as representatives from the ILO and other organisations.



Food (1st week), small food allowance (19./20.9. & 2nd week), accommodation, public transport tickets and return flights will be provided for GLU Alumni as part of the summer school. Taxi costs will only be refunded in exceptional cases.

For further information please contact GLU Alumni Summer School Coordinator Harald Kroeck at