Alumni Summer Schools

GLU Alumni Summer School / Alumni Applied Research School (AARS), 14. - 23.May 2014, Berlin, Germany

Building global solidarity with the GLU network

The 8th GLU Alumni Summer School is organised jointly by the University of Kassel and the Berlin School of Economics and Law. The Summer School will bring together former and current GLU students, as well as professors and trade union experts from the GLU network. The Summer School is intended to strengthen the network links between former GLU students and to explore possibilities for future research collaboration.

Date and Venue

  • 1st week 14.05.-18.05.2014 at Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR), Badensche Str. 50-51, station: Bayerischer Platz
  • 2nd week 19.05.-24.05.2014 at Ev. Jugendbildungs- u. Begegnungsstätte Hirschluch, 15859 Storkow/Mark (Tel. 033678-695-0)

Download Info Material

Summer School/AARS programme

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Welcome Booklet

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Alumni research project proposals


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Alumni Presentations

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Readings for preparation

Activities, research, discussions at the AARS 2013

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Mega sport events and labour

Panel Introduction: Qatar and beyond – labour & human rights in sports events

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Lessons from South Africa’s FIFA World Cup, Brazil and its Legacy for Labour
by Eddie Cottle & Mauricio Rombaldi

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FIFA World Cup 2006 Germany: An opportunity for union revitalisation?
November 2008
by Wilfried Schwetz and Donna McGuire

Why should trade unions pay attention to mega sports events? 
January 2010
by Wilfried Schwetz, Donna McGuire & Crispen Chinguno

South East Asian Sportswear Producers: A case study of adidas Group and Suppliers in the Philippines
January 2010
by Ramon A. Certeza

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HOW FAIR THEY PLAY? A research report on working conditions and freedom of association in adidas supplier facilities in Mactan Export Processing Zone, Philippines
January 2012

The Case of the London Olympics from a Migration Aspect
January 2010
by Özge Berber Agtaş and Luciole Sauviat 2012

The textile industry – struggles, organising and campaigning

Panel Introduction: The Bangladesh Rana Plaza tragedy

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South East Asian Sportswear Producers: A case study of adidas Group and suppliers in the Philippines
January 2010
by Ramon A. Certeza