Eligibility for Admission

Students with a bachelor degree in any discipline with minimum 50 per cent marks are eligible to apply. The applicants for the M.A. programme will be examined in the light of their knowledge on themes and issues studied in a standard social science bachelor programme. The purpose of entrance exam is to test the candidates' general awareness on issues related to development and labour studies, their capacity to comprehend and reflect on academic articles, and their ability in analytical reasoning on the contemporary issues of informal sector. The M.A. admission test will carry a total of 100 marks and students will be tested in the broad thematic areas of major social science disciplines: political economy, theories and contemporary history of development, development economics, sociological and political theories. The purpose of the test is to select candidates who demonstrate aptitude for analytical skills and ability for original thinking.  

Foreign students can apply in abstentia as long as they are not in India during the date of the entrance test their admission will be decided on the basis of the application documents.

Non-Indian (Foreign) Students


Download the Application Form here

Link for downloads of form and prospectus: https://jnu.ac.in/Admission/International

Please download here the Admission Procedure for Foreign Students

Foreign students can apply for a scholarship by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR).

Tuition fees for international students of non-SAARC countries is USD 4000 per semester. For those from SAARC countries it is USD 2000 per semester.

For questions or more information please contact glu.jnu@gmail.com 

Indian Students


Link for downloads of form and prospectus: https://jnuexams.nta.ac.in/

In addition please send the following application requirements (please use separate sheets) to Archana Prasad archie.prasad11(at)gmail.com

Please provide a Curriculum Vitae (CV) that makes special reference to your practical experience in trade union work and other civil society activities on social and economic issues, current employment situation and future engagement with the labour movement. You may write any information you would like to be considered in the application process. 

Please write here any information which you would like to be considered in support of your application. For example, what do you hope to achieve by taking the Master Programme, what effect might it have on your job aspirations and trade union activities, what work experience and skills have you acquired which are related to your programme of study? 

Please provide a short type-written statement (2 pages) about a specific research topic you are interested in and the main questions in relation to this topic that you would like to explore in more detail during the course.

TRADE UNION EXPERIENCE – Letter of Recommendation
Please provide a statement from a trade union or other membership based organisation certifying your trade union or other civil society engagement. The letter should include a statement whether the organisation supports your application.