Academic Board & Staff

The Academic Board of the Programme "Labour Policies & Globalisation" in Germany consists of Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherrer (Kassel University) and Prof. Dr. Martina Sproll (Berlin School of Economics and Law).

Christoph Scherrer

Christoph Scherrer is professor for Globalization and Politics and executive director of the International Center for Development and Decent Work at the University of Kassel and a member of Steering Committee of the Global Labour University. He has recently received the Excellency in Teaching Award of the State of Hessia and the Excellence in Development Cooperation Award from the DAAD. Recent English language publications include: "Combating Inequality: The Global North and South", Routledge (2015, co-edited with Gallas, A., H. Herr, F. Hoffer), "The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Implications for Labor", (2014, ed.), "Financial Cultures and Crisis Dynamics", Routledge (2014, co-edited with Jessop, Bob, Brigitte Young), "Food Crisis: Implications for Labour", Hampp Verlag (2013, do-edited with D. Saha), "China´s Labor Question", Hampp Verlag (2011, ed.), "The Role of Gender Knowledge in Policy Networks", Nomos Verlag (2010, co-edited with B: Young).

Areas of Expertise

  • International Political Economy: Governance of world markets (trade and finance), international labor standards, cross-national transfer of institutions, theories of the International Political Economy.

Professor for Globalization and Politics in the Social
Science Department of the University of Kassel

phone: +49 (0) 561 804 3253
e-mail: scherrer(at)

Martina Sproll

Martina Sproll is a Professor of Social Sciences (Structural change and the Welfare State in international perspectives), at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin). She is a member of the Steering Committee of the Global Labour University.

Her research focuses on Transnational Production and Labour, Digitalisation, Gender Relations, Social (intersectional) Inequalities, Political Economy and Sociology of Latin America and Europe.

Recent English language publications include:

Missing Links in Service Value Chain Analysis – Space, Identity and Inequality in Brazilian Call Centres, in: Flecker, Jörg (ed. 2016): “Space, Place and Global Digital Work,” London: Palgrave, pp. 105-125.

Capitalist Peripheries: Perspectives on Precarisation from the Global South and North (2014, co-edited with I. Wehr), Special Issue, Austrian Journal for Development Studies (JEP), Vol. 30, No. 4/2014

“From Silicon Valley to Shenzhen. Global Production and Work in the IT-Industry” (2013, with B. Lüthje, S. Hürtgen, P. Pawlicki), Lanham MD.: Rowman & Littlefield.


Prof. Dr. Martina Sproll
HWR Berlin/ Berlin School of Economics and Law
Department of Business and Economics
Badensche Str. 52 
10825 Berlin

phone+ 49 (0) 30 – 30877-1453

Teaching Staff in Kassel

Christoph Scherrer
Kassel University

Aleksandra Draganic
Kassel University

Devan Pillay
Witwatersrand University, South Africa

Frauke Banse
Kassel University

Alexander Gallas
Kassel University

Melehat Kutun
Kassel University

Tolga Tören
Kassel University

Jahnavi Rao
Kassel University

Anil Shah
Kassel University

Teaching Staff in Berlin

Martina Sproll
Berlin School of Economics and Law

Reingard Zimmer
Berlin School of Economics and Law

Stefanie Lorenzen
Berlin School of Economics and Law

Markus Wissen
Berlin School of Economics and Law 

Trevor Evans
Berlin School of Economics and Law