Thursday, 3 May 2007 Opening Session Chair: Verena Schmidt, ILO
9.30 am Welcome by IG Metall, ILO and Free University Berlin
9.45 am Wolf Jürgen Röder, IG Metall: The response of German trade unions to the challenge of globalising companies
10.15 am Marion Hellmann, BWI: The strategy of BWI on MNCs: A coordinated approach to Framework Agreements, Company Codes of Conduct, Corporate Campaigns and European Works Councils
10.45 am Discussion
11.30 am Coffee break
12 pm Thomas Greven, Free University Berlin: Global Rules and recommendations to protect workers rights
12.20 pm Discussion
12.45 pm Lunch
  Parallel Session A: Public awareness strategies of trade unions towards MNEs
Thursday, 3 May 2007  
2 - 3.30 pm Session 1: Case study on the London Olympics Campaign (2012) and South African World Cup (2010) • Background to the Campaign (Athens Olympic Campaign in 2004) • Campaign Strategies for the London Olympics and the South African World Cup Chair: Frank Hoffer, ILO • Doug Miller, ITGLWF • Dale Forbes, South African Municipal Workers’ Unions
4 - 5.30 pm Session 2: Consumer power (e.g. fair trade/ Forest Stewardship Council) Chair: Mike Fichter, Free University Berlin • Ingeborg Wick, Südwind • Gisbert Schlemmer, FSC/ IG Metall
Friday, 4 May 2007 morning  
9 - 10.30 am Session 3: Public procurement Chair: Verena Schmidt, ILO • Marion Hellmann, BWI • Gisela Habel, BMZ
11 am - 12.30 pm Session 4: Living wage Campaigns/ Basic Income Floor Chair: Christoph Scherrer, University of Kassel • Gabriele Sterkel, ver.di minimum wage campaign • Doug Miller, ITGLWF
  Parallel Session B: Organizing strategies of trade unions towards MNEs
Thursday, 3 May 2007  
2 - 3.30 pm Session 1: Strategic organizing and mobilizing: Company networks and International Framework Agreements Chair: Jochen Kletzin, IG Metall Bildungsstätte Berlin Pichelssee • Kirill Buketov, IUF Moscow • N.N., IMF • Evgeniya Plotnikova, Institute for Comparative Labour Studies, Moscow (ISITO)
4 - 5.30 pm Session 2: Strategic hubs and sectors in production networks Chair: Susanne Kim, DGB National Training Centre • Valery Alzaga, ver.di/ SEIU Organizing Security Services in Hamburg • Dora Zinke, DGB Berlin/Brandenburg
Friday, 4 May 2007 morning  
9 - 10.30 am Session 3: Organizing along supply chains Chair: Emilia Ghansah, Ghana TUC • Felipe Saboya, Observatório Social/ CUT Brazil (presentation) • Sarah Bormann, WEED
11 am - 12.30 pm Session 4: Organizing in a company Chair: Horst Mund, IG Metall • Agnes Schreieder, ver.di: Lidl/ Schlecker campaign Germany/ Europe • Martin Bartmann, GMEECO (Requirements and Perspectives of the General Motors Europe Employees Cooperation)
Friday, 4 May 2007 afternoon Plenary Session
2 pm The way forward: Concluding Roundtable Chair: Mike Fichter, Free University Berlin Brief reports by students from the workshops and open discussion