Conference papers

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Thematic Field/Title of Paper Author(s)
1. MNCs, Trade Agreements, and Workers' Rights
Multi-national agreements, trade agreements and workers rights - a case for textile/garment workers in Swaziland. Fundizwi Stephen Sikhondze
Challenging the power of corporations. Lessons to be learned from union mobilization against the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) Donna McGuire
From Sledgehammer to Scalpel: Penalties and Enforcement in the New AGOA, and What it Means for Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa Janet C. Checkley and John A. Hosinski
Defining “International Labor Right: Can there be Freedom of Association without a Right to Strike? Janice R. Bellace
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in International Trade and Investment Agreements: implications for states, businesses and workers Rafael Peels, Anselm Schneider, Elizabeth Echeverria and Jonas Aissi
2. The Role of the State: Regulating Corporations
ILO 158 Convention, the right to employment and the challenges to implementation in Brazil: contradictions and social tensions Magda Barros Biavaschi, Camila Morsch
The Effect of FDI on China's Position in the Global Value Chain Behzad Azarhoushang
The Associational Power of Overseas Business in China—A Case Study of the Shenzhen Collective Consultation Ordinance and the Guangdong Regulations on Democratic Management of Enterprises Elaine Sio-ieng Hui and Chris King-chi Chan
Institutional layering and the emerging power of labour in Bangladesh Sabrina Zajak
Organised Labour and the Minerals Value Chain: Should South African Trade Unions use National and Transnational Alliances to Ensure that Mining Commodities Benefit Progressive Labour and Developmental Policies? Chere Monaisa
3. Strategic Corporate Research and Campaigns
For a (Re-)Politisation of Strategic Corporate Research. Using Social Movement Theory to improve Strategic Research and Campaign planning. Ein Versuch - A Try Wilfried Schwetz
Transnationalising Trade Union Strategies along Global Value Chains: Conceptualizing new approaches to challenging the power of TNCs Michael Fichter
Working (and struggling) in the upper-side of the chain. The case of pharmaceutical representatives in Argentina Bruno Dobrusin
Financialisation and Labour’s Strategies of Resistance in the Garment Sector David Cichon
One click to empowerment? Chances and challenges for labor in the global value chain of e-commerce Kathrin Birner
4. Human Rights, Labour Protection and Regulation, and Corporate Liability
Effective protection of workers’ health and safety in global supply chains Garrett D. Brown
What matters for labour standards in Indian garment factories? The impact of regulations, factory size and markets on labour standards in the Delhi garment industry Ravi Srivastava
Gender discrimination in multinational corporations and the labour law in Brazil Thaíssa Tamarindo da Rocha Weishaupt Proni, Marcelo Weishaupt Proni
The Triple Absence of Labours’ Rights: Triangular Labour Relations and Informalisation in the Construction and Garment Sectors in Delhi and Shanghai Jens Lerche
5. Precarious Work: Organizing the 'Bottom' of the Supply Chain
Value Chains, Under-Development and Unions Strategy Behzad Azarhoushang, Alessandro Bramucci, Hansjörg Herr, Bea Ruoff
From Flexible Work to Mass Uprising. The Western Cape Farm Workers’ Struggle Jesse Wilderman
The interface between the legal and illegal mining processes: unpacking the value chain of illegally mined gold Janet Munakamwe
Global Production and Local Labour regimes: the use of Casual Labour within the Indian Auto Industry Lorenza Monaco
Work struggles at Amazon in Germany and Beyond. The role of solidarity groups Luciole Sauviat
Growth with social inclusion and labour market in Brazil Paulo Baltar & Eugenia Leone
Empowering ‘the bottom’ of supply chains to establish corporate responsibility Aelim Yun
6. Wages, Bargaining, and Binding Agreements with MNCs
Global Industrial Barganing in Garment Industry Anannya Bhattacharjee and Ashim Roy
Transforming supply chain industrial relations Jenny Holdcroft
7. Development, Sustainability and Resistance
Workers’ Rights and Labour Protection in Southern Africa: Context, Status and Sub-regional (SADC) Policy Response Paliani Chinguwo
Green Transitions, Just Transitions? Fusing Social and Environmental Justice Dimitris Stevis, Romain Felli
Neo‐Developmentalism versus Sustainability?: An Analysis of the CUT Brazil´s Strategies to Reconcile Ecology, Industrial Policy and Economic Growth Jana Silverman
Unions Reflections on Urban Resistances of 2013 in Brazil and Turkey Bilge Çoban
Worker Resistance in Global Supply Chains, Wildcat Strikes, Transnational Campaigns, and International Accords Mark Anner
Challenging neoliberalism in Europe: new coalitions of resistance in Greece and Spain Ian Perry
Public Banks, banking inclusion and housing financing to low income population: a comparative study of the experiences of Brazil and Chile in the 2000s Ana Rosa Ribeiro de Mendonça & Brunno Sibin
Trade Union Revitalisation and the Prospects of an Ecosocialist Working Class Politics in South Africa Devan Pillay
8. Others