Conference papers

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Title of Paper Presenters/Authors
Labor vs. Capital Incomes in Transition Economies. What Would Karl Marx Say? Alexei Izyumov and John Vahaly
New Forms of Power: A Case Study of Women in Mining Asanda Benya
Trade Union Perceptions amongst local government call-centre workers: Challenges and Opportunities for the South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU) Babalwa Magoqwana
The Recovered Factories and Argentine Labour Movement: a grey zone in a ‘new’ social movement Bruno Dobrusin
The Hobbitt‟s impact on Industrial Relations in New Zealand 2010 Carol Jess
The ANC- Alliance and its Discontents: Contesting the ‘National Democratic Revolution’ in the Zuma era Devan Pillay
Utilising new (alternative?) forms of power and leverage to influence international trade policy Donna McGuire
The growth and organisation of a precariat: working in the clothing industry in Johannesburgs's inner city Katherine Joynt and Edward Webster
Workers Struggles and Labour Regulations in Post-Crisis China Elaine Sio-ieng HUI, Chris King-chi Chan
The Peasantary with Modern Capitalism: Power, Position, and Class Ely Melchior Fair
Rethinking street traders as a promising agent of re-empowering labour movement in contemporary South Africa Ercüment Çelik
Against Job Creation. Precarious Work as a Challenge to Employment-Centered Normativity in Postcolonial Africa Franco Barchiesi
Gender, power and the woman question in trade unions Sue Ledwith, Akua Britwum / GLU Alumni Gender and Trade Unions Research Group
Policies and regulations to combat precarious employment Claire Hobden and Frank Hoffer
The perils and promise of green capitalism for labour Jacklyn Cock
Decent work and ecological sustainability – a question of distribution? James Lazou and Alexandre Gori Maia
Labor Relations in Uruguay under the Frente Amplio Government, 2005-2009: From Neoliberalism to Neocorporativism? Jana Silverman
Global production networks and global union federations: Re-assembling transnational union networks by International Framework Agreements? Markus Helfen & Michael Fichter
Global framework agreements for Africa – using the space created Michelle Taal
Alternative Production and Consumption Relations?: Fair Trade, the State, and Cooperatives in the Global South Michelle Williams
Wages, Deflation and the Role of Minimum Wages in the World Economy in the 2010s Hansjörg Herr and Milka Kazandziska
Labour and the Politics of alliance Muttaqa Yushau
From bi-national organisation’s trade unions alliance to the establishment of joint industrial relations collective bargaining mechanism: The case of Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority Mwansa Kamukwamba
The Political Economy of Labor-Capital Income Imbalances European Solutions Ognian N. Hishow
Labour time, worker’s control and exploitation: A moment in the practical production politics of a group of rock drill operators on a South African platinum mine Paul Stewart
Achieving a Decent Work Agenda in South Africa: Finding synergies between public employment schemes and social security interventions within a New Growth Strategy Rudi Dicks and Stephanie Brockerhoff
Lula’s Hegemony and Brazilian Labor Relations: The Case of Call Centers and Their Unions Ruy Braga
Organizing the Unorganized Women Workers for Green Livelihood: A Case Study of Self Employed Women’s Association, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India Sarbeswara Sahoo
“Undocumented but entitled to rights” The controversial relationships between German unions and undocumented migrants Sönke Rabisch
What are skills? Reflections on policy in South Africa in the light of international debates Stephanie Allais
Party Politics, Economic Agenda and Trade Unions: Nepali Context of Experience Umesh Upadhyaya
Filipino migrant domestic workers: Implications on development and migration trends in the Philippines Verna Dinah Q. Viajar
Making labour voices heard in impending industrial crisis- the garment industry of Bangladesh Pragya Khanna