Previous GLU Conference

VIII Global Labour University Conference, 
Campinas, Brazil,
26-28 September 2012

Sustainable growth, development and labour: progressive responses at local, national and global level

The Global Labour University will hold an International Workshop at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), in Brazil from 26-28 September 2012. The workshop will focus on the analysis of development processes, policies and concrete experiences that shed light on possible global, national and local strategies to overcome neoliberal orthodoxy in theory and practice, creating the conditions for inclusive development that is based on a stronger role for workers organization, industrial democracy, and a democratically accountable government that actively participates in economic activities and regulates the economy.

Thus, the Conference will address three sets of questions:

  • National Progressive Policies
  • International Policies and Regulation
  • Generation and Dissemination of Progressive Public Policies

For more information please contact conference coordinator Ricardo Cifuentes

Click here for info about the  GLU alumni summer school / AARS 2012 in Sao Paulo, 29.Sept.-5.Oct. 2012