Conference papers and presentations

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No. & Title of Paper Presentations Presenters/Authors
5. Restarting History: Why the global labour movement must challenge the ‘corporate theory of society’, and how it might go about doing it. Presentation Conor Cradden
8. Non-standard employment relations or the erosion of workers’ rights Presentation Jan Cremers
10. Wild Capitalism in Post Communist Transformation: the Case of Serbia Presentation Martin Upchurch
15. Consciousness, Capacities and Visions of Alternatives to the Capitalist Logic Presentation Melisa R. Serrano, Edlira Xhafa
16. Finance-dominated capitalism in crisis -- the case for a Global Keynesian New Deal Presentation Eckhard Hein, Achim Truger
17. Economic change and labour’s decline: an empirical qualification concerning their association   Bill Dunn
18. Determinants of functional income distribution in OECD countries   Engelbert Stockhammer
20. Fiscal Crisis in Europe or a Crisis of Distribution?   Özlem Onaran
21. Impact of Global Economic Recession on the Livelihood of Diamond Workers: a case study of Gujarat, India Presentation Sarbeswara Sahoo
22. Women in Northeastern Brazilian Labor Market in the 2000s: Growth, Post-Crisis Scenarios and Gendered Job Precariousness Presentation Andre Luiz Martins
23. Changes in the World of Work: New Information and Communication Technologies, Pension Funds and Shareholder Activism Presentation Paulo Sérgio Fracalanza
No. 24 - not yet available Presentation Dale Forbes
25. The Global Crisis and its ‘Resilient Response’ in India: Furthering the Neoliberal Labour Reform Agenda?   Saumyajit Bhattacharya
26. The Double Burden on Maquila Workers: Violence and Crisis in Northern Mexico   Hepzibah Munoz Martinez
27. Labour and the Locusts: Trade Union responses to corporate governance regulation in the European Union Presentation Laura Horn
29. Global Unions, Local Labour, and the Regulation of International Labour Standards: Mapping ITF Labour Rights Strategies   Mark Thomas
30. A rowing boat on the open sea, or in a haven from financial and environmental crises? New Zealand, the GFC, and a union response Presentation Bill Rosenberg
No. 32 - not yet available   Babatunde Aiyelabola
35. 'Decent Work Deficit’ of self-employed workers in the urban informal sector: Evidence from street vending in Mumbai   Debdulal Saha
36. How do institutions affect the labour market adjustment to the economic crisis in different EU countries?   Andrew Watt
37. Impact of transnational company agreements on social dialogue and industrial relations - ABSTRACT Presentation Isabelle Schömann
39. Hard Hit by the Crisis? Women Workers in Export Oriented Garments and Organized Retail Trade - ABSTRACT   Neetha Pillai
44. Employment situation in Mumbai: An analysis   D. P. Singh
45. Economic Growth, Employment and Labour Market Regulation in Brazil Presentation Paulo Baltar, José Dari Krein, Eugenia Troncoso Leone
46. Meeting the Right’s Attack on Public Sector Unions in the US......Are there Effective Strategies?   Lee H. Adler
49. Turkish Unions in the face of the Crisis of Capitalism Presentation Yasemin Ozgun, Ozgur Muftuoglu
No. 50 - not yet available Presentation Sigurt Vitols
51. Globalisation, Liberalisation and Agrarian Distress. A Study of Suicides among Farmers in India   Gaurang R. Sahay
52. How Secure is National Rural Employement Guarantee as a Safety Net   Pragya Khanna
53. From the Economic Miracle to the Real Plan: Changes in Industrial Structure and Consequences on Work and Employment   Thiago Marques Mandarino
No.57 - not yet available   Seeraj Mohamed
59. The past, present and future of public spending   David Hall
60. Labour market deregulation and climate change   David Bensman
65. An Economic Analysis of Unemployment in Brazil Presentation Marcelo Weishaupt Proni
67. Creating a Functional State - Redefining Labour-Capital relationship in Nepal   Chandra D. Bhatta
70. Addressing Competition: Strategies for Organizing Precarious Workers - Cases from Canada   Maya Bhullar
No. 74 - not yet available   Nicolas Pons-Vignon
No. 75 - not yet available   Martin Wandera
No. 77 - not yet available Presentation Carlos Salas, Anselmo dos Santos
No. 82 - not yet available   Edwin Anisha
85. Investment and Labour in the global crisis: Faceless capital and the challenges to trade unions in Brazil   Maria Alejandra Caporale Madi
89. The eco-logic of the global capitalist crisis Presentation Devan Pillay
No. 92 - not yet available Presentation Stefan Schmalz
94. The (so-called) crisis of the Euro Presentation Trevor Evans
95. An opportunity not taken…yet: U.S. labor and the current economic crisis Presentation Chris Tilly
96. Collective Actions Push Trade Union Reform in China Presentation Lin Yanling
97. Development, Globalization and Decent Work: An Emerging Labour Paradigm Presentation Edward Webster
98. Reform options of Financial Systems Presentation Hansjörg Herr
99. Minimum wages under the conditions of the global economic crisis Presentation Thorsten Schulten
100. Response of the US Labor Movement to the Economic Crisis Presentation Jason Russel